Unlike Nancy, many of us get stopped from time to time when a task is looming. The words don't come or the numbers don't add up or the marketing idea is far from the tip of your tongue. We struggle and stress and trip over ourselves trying to make things happen. We push and shove and punch ourselves in the brain. No WONDER we're exhausted and call it "having a bad day"!
Relax into whatever is happening. Even when you have a deadline - ESPECIALLY when you have a deadline - this technique works beautifully. Take a walk outside of the building. Drink a big glass of cool clean water. Take 10 very deep breaths with your eyes closed. Go to the grocery store and take time choosing something yummy to eat. Treat yourself nicely. Stretch out.
Move into the feeling of the moment. It goes against what we're taught, it is discouraged at every turn, it is the exact right thing to do. It is not laziness or avoidance or diversion. We do use those excuses sometimes to not do what needs to be done. This relaxation exercise is for when we need to give our brains a lift, when the ideas have stopped, when the only thoughts we're having are self-deprecating or blaming. By removing yourself from your environment - whether through deep breathing or actually going somewhere - you increase your productivity 100-fold.
And the words somehow fall into place, the numbers become magical again and the perfect marketing idea is triggered by something the sacker at the grocery store said as he put your treat in the bag.
Persistence is important to success. It has to last a long time so be nice to it. Congratulate it and give it a chance to refuel. Say it with me now. One. Two Three ...
And the words somehow fall into place, the numbers become magical again and the perfect marketing idea is triggered by something the sacker at the grocery store said as he put your treat in the bag.
Persistence is important to success. It has to last a long time so be nice to it. Congratulate it and give it a chance to refuel. Say it with me now. One. Two Three ...
Kittie asks you to comment (below) and to become a follower (upper right side of the page). Thank you, Nancy, for the gift of your art and words. To check out the books and art of Nancy Swan Drew, click here: