The Heart Pocket Word for the day is Awesome

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Effusive!


The word from my heart pocket is Effusive.

It's sometimes the way it is. We just gush and let it out and say ... everything. 

It's not good or bad. It's ... effusive. So we are exuberant and feel strongly. So we are overflowing with emotion - positive or negative - and we let it overtake our reserve and out it pours, onto everyone and everything.

To be effusive can be good.

We effuse when our child gets the lead in the play (even when he's the 3rd angel on the left). We are verbose when we win the Academy Award. We lose ourselves to the win at the Superbowl and we write volumes of poetry when we are in love.

To be effusive is to overflow. When we cannot contain our feelings, our thoughts, our inner music - we let it go. We dance until dawn. We write until there are no more words. We cheer until we have no more voice. We ...

When we feel strongly, it is not our nature to be close-mouthed and reticent and unsociable. We can be that way but most often we choose that behavior because something is holding us back. No, we are naturally effusive and it is just fine to want to express ourselves.

To be unrestrained can be viewed as inappropriate. Some churches don't care for effusion. Some meetings require a more reserved approach. Classrooms prefer a quiet demeanor and effusion in a library is ...

So effusion might be saved for a place where it is valued. Effusion is an extravagant way of being. Effusion, as enthusiastic as it might be, is meant for ...

... for anywhere - churches, meetings, classrooms and yes, even librarians are effusive. Remember the word discernment? It comes into play here ...

Notice what makes you effusive. Politics? Religion? Education? Family? Creating? Exercise? Nature? Fashion? Now look behind it. What is it that draws you?  Righteousness? Justice? Compassion? Order? Chaos? Love? If you look, you will see the field that holds the earth, ready to burst with growth and bloom. You will recognize it immediately and it is a reason for your being. Effusion tells us what is important to us. What lies at the core of our effusiveness that tells the tale. 

Get out there and radiate, effuse. Find something to get excited about. Enjoy yourself. Let yourself go. Bubble up. Whatever it is you love, let it love you back and together, plant the seed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Appreciate!

The word from my heart pocket is Appreciate.

I'm playing a new game. When I see a piece of artwork I'm attracted to, I spend time with it and name the reasons I love it. That's the easy part. The hard part comes when I see a piece of artwork I don't like and spend time with it (that's hard enough) and name the reasons I don't love it. I find that the more time I spend with either type, I seem to come to a sort of middle ground - learning to find appreciation in all of it. 

To appreciate something - or someone - is to get to know it, and as we do, something magical happens. It increases in worth which is another meaning of the word, appreciate

When we are frustrated and can't seem to find a solution, here is a thought: Stop everything and spend time with your problem, your challenge, the person, the situation. Really examine it. Look at it closely and be as openhearted and open-minded as possible. If you can, remove any judgment. Definitely look beyond the surface. 

Appreciation comes from an unusual source that is unique to each situation. To experience it, we have to allow it to happen. It is possible to appreciate every moment and that takes a really practiced person but it is possible and it 100% changes how a human being experiences life.

Judgment is a giant wall that stands in the way of appreciation, and ultimately, beauty. Appreciation forgoes judging, releases it to kindness which leads a person to compassion. I have experienced the biggest deepest hole of pain and literally been lifted up and out of that hole by words of genuine appreciation. The person had no idea it was happening. The person never will. 

We have that much power and all it takes is stopping to look and see what is actually before us. 

Start where you are. Look around you. Appreciate what you see. Acknowledge it. Look for its beauty. From there, move into the world. As you go about today, do so in appreciation. Feel how good life is. Soon, you'll start seeing the beauty of it all, and it will cause you to want to take better care. 

Appreciation changes how you see. Appreciation increases the value of living.  

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Inquisitive!

The word from my heart pocket is Inquisitive.

What is inquisitive not?




Could care less.

Dear me. 

We've all felt that way but most of the time, we human beings are highly inquisitive. In fact, we spend a great deal of time trying to "figure it out". It doesn't matter what subject it is, we want to KNOW.

Our minds seem to always be thinking, wondering, asking, probing, investigating, searching - for answers, for solutions, for new and different, for better and faster. We are very VERY inquisitive!

A four year old gets stuck on the question, "Why?". It's annoying when we're busy but truthfully, of all the questions, it packs a real punch in just one word. And it's the one that has brought about a great many discoveries. It's so important, I can't imagine why we don't have a national Why? Week. Indeed, we need to honor our inquisitive nature, fostering it in education and in the home. It is a characteristic that is to be nurtured and since it is a part of our DNA anyway, why not let it rip?!

A curious nature is highly creative. As a society, we have sent mixed messages. We elevate our inventors and explorers and yet we have said our children should be seen and not heard; we have become angry when one too many whys crops up in the conversation; we've left no space/time in the classroom for curious natures and we've taken the learning out of teaching by teaching not to the student but to the test.

Einstein is credited with the quote, "Why should I memorize something I can look up in a book?" Or on the internet?

There is, of course, room for memorization. Some of those memories spark our most inquisitive thoughts. But there must be room - room in the mind, room in the classroom, room in our days to honor our questions and to allow the thinking and dreaming that brings solutions and inventions alive!

How many times have we sat at a conference and wanted to raise our hands to ask a question, but didn't? How often have we sat in a classroom and wanted to interrupt with a thought sparked by the teacher's words? How many times have we worked with our hands, making and trying and wondered how we might make a better thing? Where do the birds go in winter? How do they fly? Why does this person have cancer and that person does not? What are the questions I should ask to help myself live a more meaningful life? What do I want to do today? (often asked and often goes unanswered)

Be interested and you'll soon become interesting. Start a conversation. Get people talking. Explore ideas and challenge the status quo. Be inventive. Be curious. Be inquisitive.

Try this:  If you don't know, ask.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Beware!

Artist is unknown. Please comment if you recognize the piece.
(or can read the name of the artist's signature!)

The word from my heart pocket is Beware.

It's an old word. It came from two words: ben + war. Be wary. Caution. Be careful. Keep on your toes. Look out. Take care. 

Of course it grew from there, as words are wont to do. They take on meanings and evolve into something more dramatic and sometimes have no semblance of the original meaning. 

Initially meant as a warning, in the case of beware, it might have a gentler and deeper meaning if read as be aware. In fact, I like it all as one word: be'ware. To be aware is to live in the moment, to notice your surroundings and be in tune with your environment. When we see the word - beware - do you feel the foreboding turn it takes? The hair rises on the back of our necks. We look behind us. We are ready for the worst. 

The softer version of beware is its original meaning. It has a cautionary tone but it absolutely puts us in the present. Almost like a well-wish such as "God speed" or "Safe travels!", when we are aware of ourselves as we move through the day, that day becomes more meaningful. We get absorbed in our activities. Taking a moment to stop and beware, might keep us from a mishap, cause us to rethink or make sure before sending that email, or simply enjoy the moment before it is gone.

Beware this day. Notice things. Sharpen your listening skills. Stop and smell the roses. Look out for your well being. Attend your life. Be'ware.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Disguise!

The word from my heart pocket is Disguise.

It doesn't take much. A little make-up, a pair of glasses, a wig. yikes. Scary. 

In anticipation of Halloween, I thought it might be fun to talk about the word disguise. Halloween was one of the best holidays enjoyed when I was a child. The memories for me are about family and neighbors, working on my costume, weeks of anticipation, bags full of candy and tummy aches, mystery and intrigue, my brother's scary stories and the opportunity to "be" someone else. 

Dressing up in a disguise is a valuable experience. Actors do it. Writers do it when they create characters, putting on paper the personalities - costuming them, giving them dialogue, saying things the writer might want to express in his daily life. Artists do it in their paintings. We all do it a bit in our daily lives. We affect a style, a persona and we act the part. We may not do it consciously, but take a minute. Look at what you're wearing this moment. Why did you choose it? Comfort? Dressed for a special meeting today? Going to exercise? To the city? To work in the garden, to clean house, to impress someone at work?

We disguise ourselves in other ways. We pretend to agree when we don't. We disguise our opinions in double talk. We cloak our thoughts in silence. We dress our egos in grand style in an attempt to appear better than we feel we are. We affect mannerisms and language and attitudes to fit in, to impress, to be accepted, to compensate for areas we feel are lacking. We laugh too loud, we always have the last word, we sympathize when we don't really care. We say we will when we have no intention of doing so. We disguise our lives with unnecessary travel and business meetings and self-importance. Sometimes our disguise is such a good one and we wear it so often, we actually thing it's who we are.

Wearing masks, misrepresenting ourselves to the world always ends in exposure. Disguising our feelings only delays an outburst or unwanted display and never gets the desired effect. Calculating some sort of deceit, disguising any inadequacies we experience only manages to complicate any situation or relationship. We are never as heavily veiled as we think. People often see through the disguise to the personality beneath. 

Every Halloween my goal was to not be recognized as myself. Every Halloween, I would go door to door and my neighbors would always say, "Ooooooo, Kittie, what a wonderful costume!" I finally asked, 'How did you know it was me?" "You can't hide that giggle!", they would say. 

Some things, you can't disguise.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Celebrate!

The word from my heart pocket is Celebrate!


We associate a celebration with some sort of achievement or holiday. We do it up right with balloons and big amounts of our favorite foods. We invite the closest of friends to share the good news. We lift a glass to the bride and groom. We honor the graduate with pomp and circumstance. We shoot fireworks celebrating our freedom. We give thanks, we give gifts, we commemorate the lives of those who make their transition to what is next ...

We can celebrate each day with cream in our coffee and a spring in our step. We can take a minute to celebrate the joy of working and that we have work to do. We can revel in our surroundings - our home, our workplace, our time with family and friends. We can beat the drum when our team wins. We can glow in the warmth of romance. We can applaud and rave, salute and honor with a moment of silence.

To celebrate is to make something special. By adding balloons to your ordinary day, somehow it gets better. The time to celebrate is now, this minute. Don't wait for your birthday or the weekend or for Hallmark to designate the day. Honor THIS day because inside of it is everything you need. Celebrate its challenges and the chance to find solutions. Celebrate the smiles you give and get, the food you eat and the sunshine or the rain. Toss out any complaining and adopt the gratitude your celebration deserves. 

There's no doubt about it. Life is an Art Party. Whoop it up and have a great day!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Example!

The word from my heart pocket is Example.

I'm one. You're one. There's no way around it.

Arch and point. Ready, aim, fire. We wake up in the morning, and BOOM! we're examples. It's not necessary to fret about this. It's not a test and there's no official grading system. 

It might be good to be mindful of our visibility. You might not feel you are an example to anyone, but at any given moment, it's possible. Even when we look back on our lives, we find we are an example to ourselves. We are 'case in point', history; an illustration of how we have lived.

Take a moment to reflect on who your heroes are. Go ahead, list them. Here are some of mine:

Meryl Streep, Elmer Nesius, Mary Angela Butler, Wassily Kandinsky, Robert Henri, Grandma Moses, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Margaret J. Wheatley, Eleanor Roosevelt, Charles Dickens, Madeleine L'Engle, Joseph Campbell, Dag Hammersjold, Sir Ken Robinson, Isak Denisen, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, David Foster, Richard Feynman, Teddy Roosevelt.

Expressives, humanitarians, adventurers, philosophers, leaders, storytellers, humorists, healers.

Make a list of your heroes and you will find your examples. You will discover what you love most about yourself. When you do this, you have a clear list of qualities that exist inside you that point to examples of your passions, what you admire, what you value, what you aspire most to be ... indeed, who you truly are. 

To be an example is to live. To be a good example is to live mindfully. We don't have to be perfect to be a good example. In fact, it is best if we trade perfection for exploration. If we do this, we will learn more, we will live more fully and our example will shine.

We are our own paradigm. We get to write our story, even though the settings and cast of characters might sometimes be chosen by another writer. Being an example can be an important position in life. When we are conscious of it, we seem to somehow alter the face of our example so it is best to think of it, take stock of where we are in the moment, make any repairs to our example, and move on. When we linger too long on the notion of what a great example we are, we become a new sort of example.

Time to make your list. You'll start and find you're smiling at the end. I'm guessing you'll also be inspired to be your best example. If you can, simply be your most happy self. Example promises to follow ...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Wonder!


The word from my heart pocket is Wonder!

It's no wonder that life can carry us away. Something catches our eye and then captures our heart and off we go! Oh, the wonder of it all! 

How long has it been since you've experienced wonder?

It does take a minute to notice, but truly, wherever we look - head down and walking into the wind, lying on your back and watching the stars, following the flight of a flock of birds, letting the worker ants lead you to and fro ...

Children are natural wonderers. The reason isn't that children are more capable. No. The reason is that so much is new to them. Somehow, as we get older, some of us get distracted from the wonderful parts of life by paying too much homage to logistics. It's not that we don't value wonder, but we've bought into the notion that there isn't enough - time, money, space, solutions, possibilities. And we've given most of the credit and much of our power to those who first, created an atmosphere that is limiting, and second, who spread the word that it's the only way. Oh dear. Not true. Not true at all. 

What is true is that the act of wondering is the beginning of creativity. And creativity is the spark of life. The creators in our world - the ones that persist, who insist on self-expression through art, innovation, business, leadership - are admired, revered and sometimes rewarded with fame and fortune. We say to our children "someday, you, too, will achieve greatness!" And then we squash the wonder that is the flash that starts the fire of the passion required to persist unto the realization of their dreams. Indeed, we do this to ourselves, too.

We don't need permission to wonder. We can do it at any moment and our world is better for our curiosity. Wonder is an incredible exercise of our being. It is an activity that is whole. We can experience wonder exactly as we did as a child - exactly - if we can let go of the manufactured notion that to be an adult is to be solemn and reserved. That is not to say that if a person is solemn and reserved he cannot experience wonder! It is to say that wonder is directly related to who we are, what we deem valuable, what is of interest to us. Is it numbers? Or insects? or sound? or persuasion? What fascinates us, makes us stop to watch? What triggers a train of thought? 

Wonder is fun. It is also serious business. Wonder is the basis of learning. It exists in everything and even though its time slot in education has been replaced by memorization and all things wrote, it will not die. There are teachers who know this. There are parents and mentors who still practice wonder. There are children everywhere to lead us right where want to be.

Why is it that when the snow falls silently in the dark of night, my heart almost stops with the wonder of it? I am always compelled to stand inside the wonder, tongue and eyelashes delighted to be catching the cold treats from the sky. I am amazed and fascinated by the delicate construction of snowflakes and have spent a great deal of time examining them - very quickly, of course, because if you don't you lose the opportunity - and no matter how old I become, this gift of nature will always be a wonder to me. 

Children do not have the corner on the wonder market. It is a marketplace open to each of us, in every second, at every turn. Examine, explore, discover, delight! Be wonderful today!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Appropriate!

The word from my heart pocket is Appropriate.

This doesn't seem to be a word whose meaning is often considered, except by some parents and grandparents and teachers and mentors and bosses and corporations and religions and politicians and ... oh. I guess it is. 

But what, exactly, is appropriate?

The word suitable comes to mind. And applicable. And pertinent and relevant. Germane, fitting, useful. I also like the synonyms 'belonging' and 'just'.

And who decides what is appropriate? How does that someone make the choice?

The someone does the best he can. The someone might take every fact and figure into consideration before pronouncing "Appropriate!" The someone may have a personal reason for his choice, or might want to impress or win favor or may think he is right. It's possible the someone doesn't think for himself and deems a thing/an idea appropriate because that is what is most popular. What if the someone doesn't have all the information? What if what has always and forever been thought of as appropriate is no longer useful or applicable? 

How do we know what is appropriate?

The answer is thinking and feeling. We tell our children this when we are instructing them about strangers. It is a fine way to approach all behavior and choices. It works with business decisions because it makes it about more than money and more often than not, when applied, it deepens the strength of our business choices - bringing wisdom and vision into the mix. 
In every day, we have the opportunity to enjoy being appropriate. Appropriate doesn't censor, it discerns. Appropriate isn't fearful, it is courageous and speaks up when it is useful. Appropriate has no need to be right; it's driving force is compassion and goodness. Appropriate stands tall in his choices and is well-respected. He adapts to his surroundings and does not make decisions based on what the masses think and do.

What is appropriate? It is for you to decide. Appropriately, of course ...


Monday, October 4, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Together!

The word from my heart pocket is Together.

We are a mish-mash of togetherness. We're living on this planet, each of us doing our best and our worst and sometimes not trying at all. All of us, expressing ourselves in our individual ways. We are making a picture. If we could pull the camera back far enough to see this movie we're making, if we could see ourselves on canvas, all together, simultaneously behaving and thinking and choosing, planning, scheming,dreaming - what would our togetherness look like? 

Would the good look different from the bad? Would virtue stand out, colorful and gleaming? How would negativity show up? Would it be just as bold?   

Would our picture look whole and in harmony? Would the contrast of our personalities overshadow the simplicity of our shared commonalities? Would ants and dogs and trees and rocks and humans blend together enough to be equally important to the picture? 

Would it reveal fearful and courageous hearts? Would we get to see how we look when we are joyful and when we are full of self-loathing? 
Together, is our painting composed with complimentary colors, an array of values and intensity? Is our movie a drama or a comedy? Is the musical score melodious or dissonant? Can we find ourselves inside our picture? Do we like what we see?

Together, we are creating our lives. We make space and fill it up. We run over each other and we lend a hand. We are blind to the one who lives across the hall. We see into the soul of a hungry child.

We can choose to disappear inside our painting, fading into the background, but when viewed as a whole, there we are, adding depth and reflection. We can fight to be the brightest color on the page, the loudest and the first to be noticed, and when seen from afar, we might look out of place and then again, we might be just what the painting needed at that moment in its creation.

Together. We're in this together. We aren't separate. We are vital and uniquely special. Our picture includes us all, no matter how hard some may try to exclude. Free will is the gift of self-expression of our being. Awareness/mindful living is the the sense of togetherness inside the art of free will.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Confusion!

The word from my heart pocket is Confusion.

Confusion is upsetting. When we are under pressure or if it happens when we are wanting to look our best, it seems to grow. We get more and more confused and that causes any number of reactions: anger, shyness, embarrassment. The reason for these reactions is not because we are actually failing or less or stupid - but because we have put pressure on ourselves to be perfect. 

The state of confusion is a state of mind. We might have too much information floating around and a need to put things in order. Circumstances might be happening too quickly for us. We may not have all the information we need. This is often the case. 

A good solution when we get confused is, literally, to stop. Right in the middle of the chaos, stop what we are doing, saying, feeling. The next step is to think about what would help sort out the confusing factors: Make a list? Ask for help? Gather more facts and information? Think about what is causing the feelings and talking to someone about them?

Confusion is only trying to help. It lets us know that something's missing. If we are being pressured, remove the pressure by saying "I'll get back with you when I get more information" or "I need a little time" or "Can you explain exactly what you need?" 

Things that cause confusion are: Clutter, chaos, over-stimulation, not enough information, messiness, over-medication, the need to be perfect, disorganization, trauma, surprise, depression. All of these factors can be dealt with, safely and with care. Look at the list. Each one has a solution. Some require more effort than others, but there is a way to immediately remove the confusion for each one. 

The most common culprit is the need to be perfect. It is supported by our society and has been a major factor in stifling creativity. In fact, confusion and chaos are common when creativity is high. There is always "mess" when something is being created. If allowed to play out, the creation happens and we can then clean up the unwanted residuals and get ready for the next creative moment. 

Hail to those confusing moments! Bravo for the opportunity to  see all of my possibilities! Thank you, Confusion, for your clues and wonderful chaos that leads me to organization, healing and a better me.