The word from my heart pocket is Freedom!
It is so vital to everything we are! To be independent is so important to us we give our lives for it. Not only for political freedom, but to be free from judgment and ridicule, from stifling environments and smothering relationships. Freedom of expression is our greatest freedom. It allows us to choose how to act on our beliefs and our feelings. This type of freedom allows us to evolve in our lives. The irony of freedom of self-expression is that it gives us the right to choose to judge and ridicule, stifle and smother, the antithesis of what causes freedom to thrive! This can make for confusion, and some come to blows over beliefs about our individual freedoms.
Freedom begins inside ourselves. We're born with it. The external world isn't just or fair. This is why freedom must still be won if it is a worldly freedom we desire. When we give ourselves permission to be free, we experience the good that freedom brings and we can imagine how freedom feels for others. Absolute freedom in all ways, in all things seems impossible when we think about it. Is absolute freedom really free, or is there a price to pay?
There is always a price when we insist on anything absolutely. The nature of free will deems it so. And here is where yesterday's word - discipline - plays a part. When we discipline ourselves to a cause, we become free, or at the very least, we begin the process of attaining real freedom. Having self-control is necessary to maintaining freedom in our lives. We are allowed to mess up. It's okay to explore and express. Because we ALL have free will, there will always be a difference of opinion. That's okay, too. The need to be right comes from a psychological insecurity and when present, gets in the way of one's own freedoms. When we deal with a personality who has this need, it might feel that our own freedom is in danger. It is not. If we remain free in our minds and hearts, we have a knowing that transcends this misperception and we will choose responses that don't play into that drama.
Freedom is playful and lighthearted. As a planet, we have seen gross human behavior regarding freedom. We have also see heroic responses to these travesties. In daily life, the opportunity to choose to be free by having control of our own behavior makes for a better day, a fulfilling life, a more successful society.
In America, we say "Let Freedom Ring!". As human beings, we sometimes let our insecurities censor that joyous song. Practice freedom today. Let go of the need to right. Allow a new thought to creep into your brain for consideration. Dare to be uninhibited. Dance with abandon! Paint with no plan in mind. Drive with no destination other than the feel of the road. Cook something new for dinner. See something through. Practice something new. Feel free of the chains that bind you.
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