The Heart Pocket Word for the day is Awesome

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Simple!

Internal Heart by Kathleen Tennant. Click to learn more!

The word from my heart pocket is Simple.

A simple fact. 
The simple truth.
A simple life.

The word almost works like onomatopoeia. Just saying simple makes me want to remove the clutter around me. I want to go through the spaces in my mind and sweep out the corners, freeing it from remnants no longer of service, making room for what is new. I want to see what is there without having to rearrange and re-stack the piles of ideas and plans and once-useful-no-longer-clear opportunities in order to have stretches of surface and time and fields of energy where all that wants to grow has ample light and a place to take root. 

Every year we have a great symbol that rolls by us, THE NEW YEAR, and if we let it, we can be inspired to let go of what isn't working, to simplify the view so we can envision what we want in our future. There is no right or wrong way to do this. We may want to be physical with this process by literally cleaning out drawers and cupboards and shelves. We may need to be free of relationships that bind us to harmful emotions and behavior. Maybe we have a habit(s) that is holding us back. Usually it takes a simple first step to get the ball rolling. The Nike adage "Just Do It", is brilliant in its simple message. In a single movement, we activate. The power is unified and uncomplicated. In simplicity, we begin.

If you are having trouble with your New Year's resolutions, if you want to make sense of the change that is happening, whether your dream is directly in front of you or on the horizon, now is the time. Simply begin, and begin simply. Be singular in your actions and savor the pleasure simplicity brings. The chaos will come soon enough. It is a vital part of creating your goal. And when you start in this uncomplicated and natural way, there is a fascinating and sometimes mysterious quality to it, as if you placed an order and what you need to begin appears. To get to the heart of the matter the fastest and finest way, make it simple.  

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