The word from my heart pocket is Deep.
Deep. Where does it live? We think of the ocean, we associate the word with excavation and dark mysterious places. Deep in the forest. Deep in the recesses of my mind.
The original Old English word is deop, two syllables and with a long sounding e. Deop. When spoken that way, the end of the word drops into wherever deop lies.
The word has other nuances, of course: Enhance, expand, magnify, increase, reinforce, strengthen, intensify, heighten, grow. We deepen our resolve, we have a deep passion for someone, we know something from the depths of our being.
There is a reason we associate the word deep with the mysterious, the dark and the sacred. It is there we are still and have the possibility of experiencing the quality parts of ourselves. Our daily lives are like water skiing - skimming along the surface fast and furiously on an incredible and wild ride. It can be hectic and frustrating or incredibly exciting and our whole being works to keep up. But we cannot do it without going deep now and then. We have to stop and let our mind muscles rest, our body rejuvenate, our happiness must replenish itself with stillness, anonymity, a break from our egos. The Deep is a popular name for the ocean, the most universal symbol of mystery because of our attachment to its many qualities. They are familiar to us because we behave like the ocean, with raging storms, constant waves to stir our creativity and to offer variety in our lives. We experience the cold and silence found at the ocean floor, down deep where everything changes, where we can hear our heartbeat and experience the buried treasures life offers. When we go deep inside ourselves, we are surrounded by a soundless protection and we let go of trifles. We transcend interruption and irritation and enjoy a peace we so richly deserve.
The deep is there when we live in the present moment. This currently popular notion is ancient and really works. We have only to try it to experience it. The benefit comes to each of us. Some might need practice at blocking out the world in order to experience oneself. It's actually not mysterious or filled with hocus-pocus. It is scientific and healthy and a gift we give to ourselves.
Find a place and time for the deep in your life. You can experience with eyes closed or with eyes filled with the wonder of a new experience. The deep is a part of you and the more you use it - as in all things - the more a part of you it becomes.
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