The Heart Pocket Word for the day is Awesome

Monday, August 2, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Risk!

The word from my heart pocket is Risk.

Risk is just outside our comfort level. We can risk more than this but taking that first step into a field full of yucca plants bigger than we are makes our hearts pound. 

Risk finds its way into our lives even when we make plans. We use phrases like "It's risky" and "Not sure I want to take the risk". As a group, we don't like discomfort, let alone pain. It's the pain that frightens us. The thought of it can stop a person from even trying. I wonder why that is.

Do we hear "Be careful!" too much in childhood? Have we had such painful experiences that we don't want to ever feel pain again? Risk comes with a guarantee. 

A guarantee is a formal promise or assurance (typically in writing) 
that certain conditions will be fulfilled esp. that a product will 
be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality and durability.
Offer good for day of purchase through the end of your time on earth.
For $500/month we can provide insurance beyond this period
and guarantee the period is subject to change as we reserve the right
to change our mind.

There are no real guarantees or the word wouldn't be risk, it would be safe.

If we look beyond safe we find that everything we do has a form of risk involved: driving to work, flying to work, bicycling to work, walking to work ... surrounded by bodyguards. We can imagine a million scenarios where something negative could happen. Our minds go there and sometimes we stop ourselves from a great adventure because we don't want to take a risk.

The up side of heeding that warning is that when a true warning comes - usually in the form of what is known as intuition or that voice inside - it can be helpful. We stop for a moment and reconsider. We check the route we're taking, we examine the vehicle and think about the timing. If we are satisfied we have all the information we need, we move forward. If not or if that voice inside is still saying "wait a  moment", we ask ourselves "Can this wait? Should I listen to this feeling?" and act accordingly. Risk comes with another guarantee.

Betting on oneself is the best way to learn. Stepping into the unknown
is the surest way to get to know yourself, to have further understanding
of your abilities, your personality characteristics and to experience the real You. 
If you choose to risk, you choose trust. Trusting in self leads to trusting in Life.

The buffet of living doesn't offer broken down dead things. It offers experiences, tools and inspiration that are nourishing and if we allow it, nurturing to our life experience. Risk is like the salad bar; there are lots of ingredients and equal number of ways to enjoy them.

Risk something today. Bet on yourself and change one thing in your life. If you want life to be new and exciting, if you want something to be different, it means a risk. Go for it. I guarantee you'll get a taste of something completely delicious! 

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