Some of us aren't comfortable with uncertainty. We like the familiarity of routine and sameness. There is great value in tradition, in making memories in the same places, from a trusted palette. We walk sure-footed and with confidence. We become teachers of our knowledge, sure of our path. We have answers to questions. We shuck and jive with experts, like ourselves.
There is equal value in falling flat on one's face.
The pitfall of complete comfort is the pathway to death. There is no more growth, no more learning. Our minds become lazy, our spirits practice apathy and when change comes (and it will come) we are devastated.
We can choose to hide or blame someone or make some sort of decree of gloom and doom for the world at large,
we can remove any shame or embarrassment, stand up and laugh. "I'm all right. I'm all right", we can tell those concerned for us. "I need to take another look at this", we can assure them. At the moment we make the choice to help ourselves, we also restore dignity and prove how intelligent and resourceful we are to those who are looking. Best of all, we take one Giant Step
(Mother may I?) UPWARD.
I haven't always felt this way about inconvenience and "setbacks". I have blamed and shouted to the heavens "Why ME?!!!". Frustration became so overpowering, I have destroyed things around me. Most damaging is Irritation. It lives under the skin, shallow and petty, and its host doesn't see how degrading Irritation can be.
The difference between capitalizing on inconvenience and being destroyed by it is Perspective and Choice. Practice seeing more than the initial picture. Take the time to imagine how you can benefit. Turn the puzzle piece a different way to fit this new picture.
Here's the grid, and it's NOT linear:
Inconvenience = Opportunity
Mistakes = New Ways of Seeing, The Light Goes On
Not according to plan = A Better Life, Texturized, Optimized
Change = Fresh Horizons
Get Inconvenient ...
Until next time,
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