Courage. It's a big old word. It elicits other words like bravery and heroism. There are many synonyms for the word Courage but in my experience there is no substitute. It's the Mother of it all and none of us miss the opporutnity to live it.
For most people, there is no public display or award ceremony to honor the courage shown in their daily lives. Each of us has carried a silent secret obstacle we had to overcome to get to where we wanted to be. The challenges are as many in number as there are individuals meeting them. They are differnt because we are made of different stuff and in varied stages of development and expereince. But there are two creatures we share in common that throw us over the edge and bring us face-to-face with our monsters: PAIN and FEAR. They feel that large sometimes and they only get bigger when we avoid them. Oh, we are the masters of diversion and excuse and worst of all, blame. We are incrdibly imaginative and the creativity spent on running away is great and sometimes admirable in it own right. But it doesn't take us where we want to be. We share that place in common, too: to be through the Fear and finished with the Pain of worry, angst and drama that permeates our lives.
Immediate danger brings forward one brand of Courage. We are forced in a single moment to chose and we do it. When it is life or death, the choice is made and it's over. There is relief in one way or the other.
When the situation is a slow one, or passive, or seems so insurmountable that it has worn us down, there is temptation and even a kind of reasoning that begs us to give up. (Be advised, giving up can be a very courageous choice, to be sure. It can also be a way of avoiding the inevitable. It is a personal choice and only the person knows what is best.) This is when Courage is not only most powerful and most important to our success. It is also the most courageous kind of courage there is. It comes from the depths of our souls. It is desirable and it is directly related to our self-respect. When we choose this type of Courage, it carries us through to the other side of the monster and once we arrive, we feel the relief, yes, but we also feel our own strength and we gain understanding of its brother, Confidence and its sister, Peace.
The place to start is with a sense of humor. Find the smile. There is one, I promise you. Even in sickness, in bankruptcy or financial setback, in business and school challenges, in all relationships - there is a smile there that will lead you to a lighter load. A smile relaxes 23 muscles in your body. For that reason alone it is worth it. Go ahead, try it. See how you feel. Now try smiling with your eyes. Go to the mirror. Try to smile only using your eyes. Did you discover that the corners of your mouth turn up when your eyes relax into a grin? Did you notice how it made you feel? Try it today, randomly smiling at everyone you meet. See the percentage of people who return the favor. It gets a conversation off to the right start and it works like magic with children and those who are lonely or ill.
There's an old standard, written by Charlie Chaplin called Smile. I've included the lyrics below. I've also posted renditions of the song by 3 different artists. Please vote for your favorite in the comments below. When you're finished listening, scroll up to the top of this writing and get started on that smile. Miss Raggedy Annie is offering her most special grin ... just for you.
Wishing everyone a Happy Day!
Smile though your heart is aching, smile even though it's breaking,
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow,
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through - For You.
Light up your face with gladness,
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be every so near
that's the time you must keep on tring
smile - What's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just Smile!
Lyrics by Charlie Chaplin
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5 years ago
It was closer than I expected, but I've got to go with the Nat King Cole version. In addition to the superb vocal, I loved the Chaplin pictures. (This is Steve Tom. I'm signing this "Anonymous" because I couldn't figure out which sign in option picked my profile from this site.)