The Heart Pocket Word for the day is Awesome

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Adventure!

The word from my heart pocket is ADVENTURE!

What is Adventure?

What is one person's adventure is another person's nightmare.  We flinch at the word camping. We roll our eyes at the idea of river rafting when what we really want is to climb Mt. Everest. It's true. I've met 3 people who have done this (climbed Mt. Everest, not rolled their eyes. We've all done that). Some people find traveling adventurous. Some are branching out to drive in a middle lane on the freeway. There are folks who wouldn't adventure out to an art or dancing class. There are some who find cruises and deep sea fishing and lying on a tropical beach the adventure of their lives.

I remember when riding on an airplane would be an adventure beyond words. Now it is a regular part of my life. When my children were little we traveled so much that when the flight attendant announced "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are in an oversold situation ...", they immediately unbuckled their seat belts because they knew we would volunteer for the bonus tickets. My grown children have taken what I think are amazing adventures in their lives. Think what their children will experience!

It isn't important what we think is adventurous. It isn't necessary to have adventures to have a satisfying life. What is great about an adventure is that it moves us, in every sense of the word. We learn. We gain understanding. Our lives become deeper and richer and we add to our strength. Every time we adventure beyond our comfort zone, we lose fear.

Without fail, after we experience an adventure, we are changed. 

If you want movement in your life, plan an adventure. Be open to what is ahead. The planning can be fun but real adventures come with surprises. That's the sweet part, the heart of it, the gift. There are adventures big and small. They come in front of us every day. Many of us are too busy or too tired or too worried or too fearful to see them. The cool thing about adventure is it isn't prejudiced or judgmental. It is one of the greatest qualities of life and it absolutely feeds creativity.

Have an adventure today.  

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