The word from my heart pocket is Honesty.
Inspired by Ms. Maticic's depiction of the honesty plant, I am reminded how frail and breakable honesty is. This photo is taken in the winter, when the honesty plant is brittle and beautifully delicate. We speak of honesty as brutal and perhaps at times it feels that way because of the way honesty is revealed and how it is received. In my mind, those who are brutally honest might be getting a rush from the brutality more than the honesty part. Looking beyond the brutality of it will usually reveal an agenda. No. Honesty is not brutal. It is one of the absolutes for successful living. It is one of the big keys on the keyring of happiness. Honesty brings peace of mind and heart and it is best friends with compassion.
We can speak honestly, that is, we can tell the truth. We promote the idea through platitudes and force. But the real test begins within ourselves. If we are not honest there, then we cannot possibly be honest anywhere else. It simply cannot be.
When we are dishonest, we are avoiding something, we are afraid. We might be afraid of being poor or not having enough money so we are sometimes dishonest with others. We might not want others to know we aren't perfect and so we invent stories or say things that aren't true. Dishonesty isn't easy to maintain. It's a lot of trouble.
The benefits of honesty never end. There is no in between so we know where we are. There is no half-way of being honest. We either are, or we are not.
But is honesty simply a matter of black or white? Yes, it is. No way around it. Some might feel there is a time to be honest and a time to ... to what? To lie? To deceive? That is true. Black and white.
And here is where the comfort lies. When we are honest, we cannot be hoodwinked. The more honesty we practice, the easier it is to spot a liar. Honesty breeds confidence and self-assurance. Honesty in a world full of smoke and mirrors is secretly loathed, but it cannot be replaced.
Each of us has our own belief system. Each of us follows our own truths. How can we recognize honesty in a world filled with so many different beliefs?
Honesty is often confused with Belief. We come to our own truths through our beliefs. But beliefs can change. Honesty does not. Beliefs are based on faith and personal experience. Honesty comes directly from the heart and no matter what anyone says or writes - We know when we are honest and when we are not. This is the crux of it. This is where change can happen. This is where honesty begins and ends.
Honesty is a part of goodness. It sometimes requires courage. It rewards those who practice it with inner greatness and it commands respect without bravado or pomp and circumstance. Honesty is a humble activity and worthy of us all. Honesty is a choice and can be made at any time. It is life changing in every moment.
Living honestly is fun and attracts people and experiences of like heart. You are reading this and you know this. Have some honest fun today!
A fun tidbit: The Honesty Plant is also known as The Money Plant. Ironically honest, yes?
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