The word from my heart pocket is Fog
We wake up in a fog. Our brains get foggy from too much information stuffed inside them. Fog surrounds us when life is unclear and unstable. We can't seem to find our way. We wander and flail a bit. Sometimes the fog paralyzes us with fear.
The unknown. It seems to be almost everywhere we turn when we are afraid. What will happen? What's out there? I can't see where I'm going!
There are benefits to fog. It slows us down. It insulates and protects us. It gives us pause.
We can hide in the fog. We can wait it out or we can proceed with caution. Fog envelopes and brings mystery into our lives. If we choose to see it with interest, it can foster questions and cause us to examine and explore in ways we never imagined.
When the fog comes, it's okay to relax into it. It can be comforting and if we allow it, there is a stillness that fog brings with a wisdom all its own.
Fog twists and turns and creates extraordinary views. Fog is a feeling as well as a state of mind. Creating fog by unnatural means distorts what is. When fog simply comes upon us, we benefit from its nurturing embrace.
Fog can be delicious. It can frighten us if we don't see its beauty and restful qualities. Literally walking in the fog is an energizing experience. It feels like we're in a movie, surreal and vulnerable. Having this experience can have a great effect on a challenge you are facing. It can bring a new way to see. It can change your direction or affirm that your heart is on the right path.
Allow the fog when it visits you. You don't have to do anything special and you don't have to work to clear it away. Be confident in the fog's protection. Enjoy it ... for it will dissipate soon enough.
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