The Heart Pocket Word for the day is Awesome

Monday, August 16, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Gratitude!

The word from my heart pocket is Gratitude.

Once upon a time there was a planet named Gratitude. It was like all the other planets in many ways. It had people and plants and dogs and cats and it even had pizza which made a lot of people happy.

Gratitude also had sadness and hunger and many many hurt feelings. There were people who had jobs and people who were still looking. The crops on Gratitude had good years and bad years and the streets weren't paved with gold so there was still a lot of traffic due to construction.

But the planet Gratitude had one thing other planets didn't. Everyone saw the good in what was around them. Even in hard times, there were good things to see just like on all the other planets. On planet Gratitude, the inhabitants could see those good things and turned their focus in that direction so they could see a whole picture. This didn't take away their sadness or sore muscles because it was their nature to feel sad and sore when things didn't go as planned or they had to work extra hard. 

Seeing the good helped in a different way. The inhabitants acknowledged the hard times but they also acknowledged what remained good in their lives and in the world around them. They noticed when a neighbor offered a helping hand. They appreciated the cool breezes that came when the sun went to the other side of Gratitude. They found ways to make music with their voices and hands and they told stories to each other. Some of them were very funny.

Because the inhabitants of Gratitude chose to see the good as well as the bad, to appreciate the easy as well as the hard, because they allowed themselves to see a whole picture, they lived very full lives and had much less bodily stress than inhabitants of the other planets. 

It was not unusual to see lots of smiling in Gratitude. There was less energy wasted in Gratitude and for some reason new ideas popped into people's minds more frequently. I guess there was plenty of room for them without worry and doubt and fear. The inhabitants of Gratitude always had plenty and even when they wanted more, they shared with those going through difficult times because they knew how it felt to be without.

Gratitude stills exists. More and more people are living there. I know this because I've been there. It doesn't feel crowded no matter how many folks are there and it's like being on vacation especially after living in fear. Gratitude is home to everyone. It has lots of beautiful neighborhoods and everything seems easier in Gratitude than in other places. 

I love being in Gratitude. I think I'll go there right now. Care to join me?

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