The Heart Pocket Word for the day is Awesome

Monday, August 30, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Human!

The word from my heart pocket is human.

To be fully human we must open our hearts. Over and over, especially when we are afraid. Afraid of the unknown. Afraid of being hurt. Afraid after seeing a part of ourselves we don't like. 

A whole human experience is inclusive. It breathes and allows. Most of all, it is generous in times when generosity seems the least likely response. 

An open heart will get hurt. That is because it is exposed and ready to love. An open heart will know the deepest kind of love. It is wholly human to have an open heart.

"Knowing is not enough. We must apply." Leonardo da Vinci is attributed with these words. "Being willing is not enough; we must do." A person who tries, who experiments and explores will make mistakes. That is how learning happens and how genius grows. Exploration will experience discovery. It is wholly human to try and apply and do.

The human experience includes misery and sorrow. That is because it includes ecstasy and complete joy. To be human means to embrace what comes and to be wholly human is to generously open one's heart even when it is throbbing with pain. 

For it is in those moments that the next thing appears. If we have lost, we will gain. This makes sense to those who have opened to this experience. It isn't a prerequisite to living life. But the human experience is a beautiful book of stories no writer could ever imagine. To live a wholly human experience is the ultimate story and unique to each of us. 

Open heart
Trying, Applying, Doing 

1 comment:

  1. I love the following quote:
    “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

    Teilhard de Chardin quotes (French Geologist, Priest, Philosopher and Mystic, 1881-1955)

    Kittie - you are a great human and a wonderful spirit! :)
