The Heart Pocket Word for the day is Awesome

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Heart Pocket Word for the Day is Uncertainty!

The word from my heart pocket is Uncertainty.

I wonder. It could be ... I don't understand. I'm not sure. I hesitate to try it. I don't know what to do. Oh, no!

Oh, yes! 

At some juncture - in a project, in business, in art, in life - there is uncertainty. We know this. We live with it every day. It feels hard when we butt up against a big challenge, a loss, a blow to our ego, a tangle or two. The reason for this is that our society supports the sure thing. It expects us to already know. It is hanging onto those days when life was simpler and the choices less complicated. Hanging onto is the kiss of death for creativity. 

Uncertainty presents a puzzle for us to solve. Creativity is one of our greatest life tools. It springs from not knowing. It counts on uncertainty

When we are uncertain, we get the chance to see differently. When we are uncertain, we meet new people and find out there are endless ways to do a single thing. When we are uncertain, we have the edge that only vulnerability offers. When we are uncertain, we have an opportunity to explore new options we would never have entertained if the vehicle of uncertainty didn't exist.

Befriending uncertainty teaches confidence and grows a strong sense of trust, first with ourselves and then in our ability to handle everything around us. The more we dance with it, the less intimidating it becomes and ultimately, we see it's beauty. It moves us along when we get stuck. All we have to do is jump on board and play.

It's not uncertainty that stops us. It is our fear of it. 

Take a different route to work today. Go to a new grocery store. Apply for a job you've always wanted but are uncertain of the outcome. What's the worst that can happen? You'll get lost and learn a new way to work. It will take longer to get down the aisles but you'll find new products your old grocery doesn't carry. You might find out your dream job isn't what you thought it was. Or you might get hired. 

Life is uncertain. You can count on that. Jump on and enjoy the ride!

"Down and around, over and through. Here is a snag and a tangle or two.
Invite them right in. The Dreamweaver knows. The greatest ideas just follow their nose!"     

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