The word from heart pocket is Emerge!
This picture, to some, might look as if the heart is disintegrating. To others, it will look as if it is taking shape. Both would be correct. The picture is emerging. We paint life pictures all day long. If we could watch the canvas of our lives, we would see the pictures fading in and out while one picture becomes apparent as the former one fades.
To emerge is to come out, come into view, to become. Parts of ourselves emerge faster than others. Emerging is natural and good. It doesn't always feel that way, especially when we resist.
Sometimes we get in a hurry. We try to emerge with a great sense of urgency. This is called an emergency. Sometimes the emerging happens so gradually we don't notice it until it pops out at us. We try to attribute this to other circumstances but when we dig into our past, we see we've been emerging toward this occurrence for a long time.
Original emerging materializes and we feel awkward until we're more practiced. This experience is not unlike cutting a path through a dense jungle. We struggle to become skilled with new tools. We learn to intuit using different senses. Our minds have to catch up to the emergency and vice versa.
If a quality or situation arises that is strangely familiar and we feel like we've "come home", our emerging has uncovered a gem. This is a knowing and as we emerge, we notice how happy we are, how easy the process is, how comfortable and pleasurable this emergence feels. We still have to do the work but it feels like play. Time "flies". Energy is efficient and plentiful.
"Coming into our own" is an emergence made up of lots of little emerging experiences. Each is valuable because it effects the other. None is most important. The unveiling is a process and the final product doesn't come until we decide we are finished.
Rise up. Become visible. Step into the light. Emerge!
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