The word from my heart pocket is Rest.
It's easy to rest. It should be. We surely work hard to make it happen.
We call it vacation. We call it sleep. We call it napping. We call it taking time off.
When we ignore rest, it forces itself upon us and we call it hospitalization and rehab.
Rest comes naturally after a long day of work. We allow it when we are exhausted. Americans, unlike other countries, average 2 sanctioned weeks of it. Much of the world gets 4-8 weeks of encouraged and paid rest per year.
The mind needs it. The body needs it. The heart needs rest from the burdens it bears.
We love rest. We pay for rest. When we choose not to overwork, we rest. When we choose to exercise, we release pressures and stress. When we smile, we relax 13 muscles in the face.
Some restful activities are: reading, gardening, cooking, playing card games, doing crossword and jigsaw puzzles, walking. We rest and give the mind a break when we hike or run on the treadmill. Swimming is a marvelous way to rest. We're surrounded by water and working our bodies. The rest comes after the physical activity. We have moved the focus to the body and many of us find this both a relief and pleasurable.
Sometimes we have to decrease the stimulants in our lives so we can rest: coffee, television/computer, time at the office, traveling, worry. Rest happens when we choose to move out of our routine. We try something different and although it might stimulate one part of us, it gives another faction of our lives a break - a chance to rest.
Resting the spirit rests every part of us. Meditation is a wonderful way to rest. If it's too hard to do on your own, gather a few friends who are interested in this way of resting. In a quiet place, give yourselves an hour and ease into it. Talk about what you want to release, how you want to feel after your meditation, what you want to bring into your life. Begin by taking 10 deep breaths and for a good 20 minutes, be silent together. Your mind will get used to this practice eventually and you will be able to do it on your own in time.
Certain music calms the nerves. The music of nature is always restful. The sound of waves lapping against the shore or the wind blowing gently through the trees brings peace. Dancing - Oh Dancing! Movement to music rests the soul! And laughter. We say "we're exhausted" after a long time of laughing. Laughing puts us in a beautiful place of rest.
You know what works for you. You've experienced real rest. Build rest into your day. It's as valuable as your work and play.
Rest. It's what's left over and it's one of the best gifts we give ourselves.
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