The word from my heart pocket is Respect.
Respect yourself, others, property of all. This poster was created by music students and their teacher. On the surface it is a kind of mission statement for their class. Underneath it lies a long history of traditional values enforced by education and in the home.
It's what's inside that counts.
I wasn't there when this poster was designed. I don't know Miss Newton or any of her students. I imagine everyone was involved in the creation of the poster and most likely, it was made at the beginning of the year. The words, their placement, the colors ... are a terrific blend of a right and left brain project. The word 'wacky' says that Miss Newton's class is fun!
Inside this poster is the heart of Respect. This teacher chooses to involve her students, not just in the music they make, but in each others' lives. The order in which respect is suggested on the poster is brilliant. Respect begins with self. When we honor ourselves through honesty, letting our lights shine, self-expression, good listening skills, awareness of our own behavior - we are more likely to respect those qualities in others and we gain respect from all. Respecting others comes naturally when we understand the meaning of the word through experience. Being respected through success and failure can be achieved if we are putting our best efforts forward. We don't always win the cash prize, but we always win respect. To respect the property of others is also a metaphor that works throughout our lives. Asking permission is polite, yes. It is also saying "I respect my own property so I will respect yours."
With respect comes admiration, appreciation, courtesy and honor. When respect is demanded, it negates the core of the quality. Respect isn't a result of force. It comes with realization, example, and a slow, easy recognition of ourselves in others.
How do we come to self-respect? We honor our dreams. We are truthful with ourselves and others. We live in gratitude. From that platform, we stand tall. We are confident. Our self-respect shines a light that spreads like a giant smile. It seeps into the hearts of others and irritations melt away. Differences become interesting and a way of growing. Fear of uncertainty transforms into love of surprise, anticipation of more than we can imagine.
When planted, Respect always grows. It is reciprocal. Respect is hearty and ready at the helm. It looks good on everyone.
Try on some respect today. One size fits all!
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