The word from my heart pocket is Sensible.
What an incredibly powerful word this is! It is used often and with great authority. It removes doubt and clears the room. Used in this way, in a word, sensible, brings dreamers to their knees.
As with many words, society has grasped one of its nuances and used it so much that the word seems to have this meaning only. Sensible, in some situations, does connote a kind of reasonable and rational behavior. In this vein, it has come to promote justifiable action and even more common, it is used in places of authority such as courtrooms, schoolrooms and living rooms to mean sane and intelligent.
Although this is often true, those moments are debatable and often dictated by a person with a personal agenda. It is advisable for the person with the agenda to enjoy a moment of real listening before pronouncing some sort of edict. True sensibility requires sensitivity to others, not just self.
To be sensible, one must be fully aware. This is no black or white decision. A sensible person is often seen as intelligent. Again, this is true. But some of our most sensible citizens have been called foolish and unreasonable because they have voiced ideas not understood by others. Many of those ideas became our most practical (and lucrative) inventions. "It'll never work. Give it up. Og", said Borg. "The round shape makes it hard to stack and I can't imagine how it will be useful." Og had invented the wheel and I'm pretty sure that Borg was first in line to invest in it when Og's company went public. Sensible doesn't begin at the end. It starts with exploration and dreaming.
Sensibility is awareness, cognizance. It has a discriminating eye. Borg would be a good partner in the wheel business if he were to stop and appreciate the vision. Sensibility has sensitivity attached to it. You will find a refined palate in the most sensible person. Practicality is visionary, and although reason is present, it cooperates with dreaming to create a sensible decision.
When we are at our sensible best, we are open to receiving so we can discern what is good in this moment. That discernment includes the possibility that we should do nothing and wait. Sometimes we need more information before making a move. Other times, we are immediately certain how to act. We have everything we need and off we go! In both instances, we know this because our gut tells us; we're certain because something does or doesn't "make sense". We are being sensitive to the situation. This is being sensible.
Sensibility is whole. It's round, like the wheel, and it rolls along in a never-ending, always changing newness that supplies us with information and inspiration. We are sensible when we pay attention. We are sensible when we listen. We are sensible when we combine discernment with dreaming.
Be sensible inside your days and life becomes more interesting, more productive, and definitely, more fun!
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