The word from my heart pocket is Open.
Open. Unfastened, unclosed, agape, exposed.
Open. Accessible, not forbidden, approachable, unconditional.
Open. Clear, obvious,visible, unconcealed.
Open. Undecided, unsure, controversial, unsettled.
Open. Honest, objective, candid, natural.
Open. Begin, set in motion, launch, initiate.
Open. Expose, spread, disrupt, reveal.
WOW. How open is open?
Allowing. That's what being open is. We let in what is. We are affected by what is around us, unimpeded, unshut, yawning wide, allowing all of it to come.
That is frightening to us because we don't know 'what's out there'. It's frightening because we think we do know what's out there. It's frightening because we've been hurt and scorned for our beliefs; we've made mistakes, and dear me, we've been what has been deemed by others as - dare I say it - wrong!
When we shut down it is because we are afraid. That is the only reason. There are a bajillion reasons humans become afraid. They are all legitimate because they cause fear. In order to be open, we must lose our fears.
We don't have to tackle them all at once, although that's a surefire way to be done with it. I heartily suggest one at a time and here's why. You get started overcoming fear with baby steps and before you know it, you don't even have to say 'mother, may I ?'.
Being allowing, being open is feeling secure. Security comes at a price. We must allow anxiety and trepidation and fear to march forward and walk right through us and we must allow courage to rise up inside of us and permeate our cells. Courage sits on a little shelf in our heart pocket. It's a little shelf because courage starts out that way. Like those inflatable sponges, it grows and grows the more we drown our fears. Courage can be HUGE and it works hard when we call upon it. Courage requires an allowing heart. We become open to all sorts of good when courage arrives. Dear me. Open is a beautiful and exciting way to live!
We have to remind ourselves to be open because our world has so many opinions and opportunities. When we are open, everything becomes available to us, like an unending buffet. That doesn't mean we have to choose everything, although we're surely welcome to do it! It doesn't mean everything available to us is good for every moment. It simply means we have choice every situation. Right now. And now. And now. And now. And ... even not choosing is a choice.
I love that one of the words for open is 'agape' (with a long A in the middle). The ancient Greek word agápē meaning love. To leave your heart wide open would be to leave your heart agape; agápē. No judgment one way or another. Pure acceptance for something, someone for the way it is.
There is a common phrase - "easier said than done". I catch myself saying it and always laugh. It means I need more practice. I can get it, I know I can. I can do this ... if I'm open to it.
Open. Easier said than done. Let's get started ...
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