The word from my heart pocket is Plan.
Business plans. Vacation plans. Financial plans. Health plans. Retirement plans. Planning your wedding. Planning to have children. Planning your future.
We put a lot of faith in our plans. We put a lot of effort, energy, and enthusiasm into them. When we plan, we organize our thoughts, we imagine different scenarios and we come up with new ideas for our intentions.
Planning can be as simple as making a list. There's a lot of satisfaction in this because it rearranges the clutter, orders our mind and when we begin to cross items off the list, it feels great to have all of that space ... so we can make more plans.
This is creating. Planning is one of the most creative activities we do. When we free our minds - that is, the linear mind goes on vacation, floating down the river of dreams - we open our lives to endless possibilities. We wonder where an idea comes from. It's when we "go on vacation" in our minds, letting plans go wild, no censoring, no boundaries, that plans serve us the most.
One of the most creative people I know - a film maker - told me: "When I imagine a treatment, I don't censor. I don't let budget or rigid thinking get in the way. No boundaries whatsoever. I come up with a grandiose idea. I begin large."
This is a great way to make plans. Dream first. Organize around the dream.
We live in a society that values linear. We put things in boxes. Even our televisions and movie screens and cameras squarely frame what we see. Imagine a camera that took pictures in shapes. Think about going to see a movie in the round. Right, that already exists. But you get the picture ...
Planning is good. It doesn't mean "in stone". It is a guide. It leads us. It is a catalyst, an agenda, a map. We love plans. Plans are fun. Plans are exploratory and full of discovery. Plans are meant to be changed. Plans lead you to dead ends. Or are they? Maybe they are paths yet to be forged.
Let plans simmer, absorbing the flavors of the spices added. Taste them, change them . Serve them up, don't save them for a rainy day. Try out plans. Give them a chance to breathe.
Plan something today. Don't censor. Don't let budget or rigid thinking get in the way.
Begin large.
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